PeoplePlus's social recruitment team is reaching out to employers in our network and beyond to help make sure Bootcamp learners connect with the employers who need their skills.
PeoplePlus is working closely with Training Providers delivering Bootcamps via the Social Recruitment Framework (SRF) network. This unique service connects training providers with employers all over the UK, via a single point of contact at the heart of our social recruitment team. Employers hear about new, skilled up candidates ready to work, and candidates get the chance to apply for roles they feel well equipped to take on.
Bootcamp Background
Skills Bootcamps are up to 16-week, fully-funded and targeted upskilling programmes for people aged 19 and over across England.
The overview below features the types of roles Bootcamp candidates are being trained for. The programmes are intensive and the skills attained target gaps in the workforce, creating benefits for business and individuals.
Bootcamps go through rigorous employer validation processes, ensuring the curriculum taught really does meet the needs of industry. New Bootcamps are being added according to business demand, so this list is growing and evolving - the PeoplePlus Partner Services team is tracking this evolution, so you don't have to.
Project Management – HR, IT, Digital, Change, Construction | Digital Marketing – Brand, social media, SEO, PPC | IT Infrastructure – Networks, systems, architecture, engineer | Data analysis – architect, statistician, SQL, Cloud, Developer | Cyber Security | Software Development
Get in Touch
If you are an employer with relevant vacancies, we can speed up your access to this new source of candidate talent, and enable you to support job seekers in the process.
Useful Links
Bootcamps are easily accessible online, promoted via GOV.UK channels, including Job Centre Plus.
Find a Skills Bootcamp - Guidance - GOV.UK (
Skills Bootcamps - Skills for Life
Employers with volumes of vacancies can work in partnership with skills providers to create bespoke Bootcamps.
Skills Bootcamps training providers - GOV.UK (