Independent Living Services - South Gloucestershire
We offer a comprehensive range of services which includes impartial information and advice to help individuals to independently choose how they receive their care and support them to manage their needs to achieve positive daily living outcomes.
Our Aim:
To enable you to maximise your independence so you are able to live the life you choose. We do this through providing the following services
Direct Payments
Continuing Health Care
Personal Health Budgets
Individuals funding their own care
With over 13 years’ experience of providing tailored Independent Living Services for vulnerable people, we understand and support the increased choices, flexibility and outcomes that can be achieved by managing your own care needs.
Free initial introductory visit to discuss care choices, options & meeting your needs
Support to identify, engage & contract with a Care Agency
Managing Care & Becoming an Employer
Recruiting & Employing a Personal Assistant
Financial Compliance & Budgeting Support
Payroll & Pensions Package
Managed Account Package