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Breaking Barriers: Ameerah’s Journey

share January 16, 2024Posted by: Charlotte

Ameerah, a lone parent raising four children, has overcome financial setbacks and is now on a path to financial stability, all thanks to the support she received from Fair Start Scotland.

Facing the financial strain of the Benefit Cap, Ameerah found hope through the Better Off Calculator (BOC), which indicated that returning to work could significantly improve her situation. However, her journey wasn't without its challenges, including limited work hours due to childcare issues and a hiatus from the workforce since 2010.

Determined to turn her life around, Ameerah joined Fair Start Scotland's 6-week employability Routeway programme. The programme covered essential skills like Positive Mental Attitude and Interview Techniques, providing Ameerah with the tools she needed to re-enter the job market with confidence.

Together with her Fair Start Scotland advisor, Ameerah crafted a compelling CV and embarked on an intensive job search upon completing the Routeway. Her sights set on a term-time, school hours position as a Catering Assistant, a job perfectly suited to her circumstances and within commuting distance from her home.

Recognising the importance of not just securing a job but excelling in interviews, Ameerah was referred to Fair Start Scotland's partners at Smart Works. This organisation not only provided her with professional interview attire but also conducted a session to refine her interview techniques, boosting her confidence for the upcoming job interview.

The effort paid off when Ameerah aced the interview and was offered the Catering Assistant position. Considering her extended absence from the workforce, Fair Start Scotland's People Plus team provided a reference to vouch for her capabilities.

As Ameerah gears up to start her new job, a major milestone awaits – the removal of the Benefit Cap. With this positive change, she is set to experience a significant improvement in her financial situation, ensuring a brighter future for herself and her four children.

To ease the transition into her new role, PeoplePlus has generously offered to cover Ameerah's traveling expenses until she receives her first wage, highlighting the ongoing support provided by Fair Start Scotland and its partners.

share January 16, 2024Posted by: Charlotte
