We deliver the Restart Scheme in Kent, the North East & Wales
What is The Restart Scheme?
The Restart Scheme gives enhanced support for eligible claimants to find jobs.
The service forms part of the Government’s Plan for Jobs, which is helping millions of people across the country – many of whom have had their employment status impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. PeoplePlus is delivering the Restart Scheme in conjunction with Reed in Partnership in Kent and the North East, and in partnership with Serco in Wales.
The scheme gives personalised support to individuals looking for work including health and wellbeing advice and a tailored action plan. Our support ensures that individuals are ready for the right job at the right time.
What Can PeoplePlus and The Restart Scheme Offer Employers?
By working together, we can help you fill your vacancies and enable people in your area to change their lives for the better. We offer:
- A talent pool of candidates who are actively looking for employment
- Candidates who have been pre-screened and given prior support to ensure they are job-ready
- A full needs analysis of your business so we understand your culture, the job opportunities available, progression opportunities for the individual and a true partnership experience to ensure we’re bringing the right people into your business
- Security that you are recruiting in a socially responsible way, helping those who are often hardest to reach, or who have been affected negatively by Covid-19 back into the labour market
- Additional compliance qualifications and training can be given to individuals before they join your business so they’re ready to hit the ground running.
- Once the individual has started work, PeoplePlus will give up to 12 months in work support to that person; we can cover travel and PPE costs, wellbeing advice and much more, to ensure the individual feels totally supported to do their job.
Talk to our engagement team today - [email protected]