A new approach for Scotland, facilitated by PeoplePlus
Late in 2023, inspired by the Social Recruitment Advocacy Group's growing membership, and in light of Scottish Government policy, discussions began on how to not only maintain the creation of opportunities for people with unique disadvantages in the workforce by employers in Scotland - but accelerate it.
A strength of the national delivery model demonstrated by Fair Start Scotland has been the range and depth of relationships created with employers across all sectors. This provision has been delivered by commercial organisations - such as PeoplePlus Scotland, social enterprises like the Lennox Partnership, and SMEs, third sector organisations and Local Authority teams.
Embracing community based provision means developing new ways of sustaining relationships that can adapt to and complement local delivery.
Exploratory conversations between PeoplePlus Scotland, national and local employers, community representatives, and specialist delivery partners, revealed strong support for a group that would make sure the knowledge and experience accrued over the last six years could be shared - with the common goal of creating community wealth via employment in Scotland.
This is why the founding membership of the Community Wealth Support Network has rapidly established a clear ambition - to support Scottish government in its plan to increase the number and quality of employment opportunities for people living with disabilities and facing unique disadvantages in Scotland.
Employers of all shapes and sizes are invited to connect with and join the network as plans are developed that will facilitate the success of the evolving place based provision of employability support. The success of the network depends on as many like-minded businesses getting round the table as possible, to enable the creation of inclusive opportunities suited to sustaining employment for Scotland's residents and their communities, wherever they live.
Mission statement
The Community Wealth Building Support Network has a clear ambition to support Scottish government in its plan to increase the number and quality of employment opportunities for people living with disadvantage. In doing so, it aims to ensure that all areas, particularly areas characterised by high levels of deprivation, can benefit from the wealth the economy generates.
- We will be asking our employers and partners to sign up to the Social Recruitment Covenant with a specific pledge to support greater opportunities through work experience, employment opportunities, mentoring and training opportunities,
- Through our members, provide evidence-based contributions that support the effective design of policy and legislation,
- To encourage our employer networks to create inclusive recruitment practices to support uniquely disadvantaged people into sustainable and supported employment,
- To use the network to promote socially responsible and sustainable procurement practice.
Some comments from founding members
Alistair Kerr, featured below, is the Chair of the Community Wealth Support Network. "I am proud to be part of the strategic group responsible for the development of the Community Wealth Support Network, with a strong focus on creating sustained and inclusive employment opportunities for disadvantaged people or groups in our local communities. Sustained and meaningful employment are proven enablers for a person to achieve individual goals and ambitions and contribute to a vibrant and socially just Scotland. The response from employers to be part of this growing group has been overwhelming."
Jim Johnstone from Morrison Construction attended the inaugural meeting of the group in Glasgow in January of this year. “Morrison Construction are delighted to be asked to be part of this forward thinking and innovative network. It is needed to ensure change is positive and meaningful, which can only be achieved by working collaboratively with liked minded organisations who put making a true and positive impact on peoples' lives at the heart of their ethos. The importance of inclusive recruitment should never be underestimated. Doing the right thing is at the centre of Morrison Construction beliefs and being part of this network allows us to contribute more widely to driving positive changes for people in Scotland.“
Blyth Deans, Chief Executive of the Lennox Partnership, said, “The Lennox Partnership is delighted to be part of the Community Wealth Support Network, as the objectives of the group resonate with our organisation’s values, mission and social aim of delivering services that support disadvantaged and disabled groups move towards a better life, and make a positive impact on society. Membership of the group will provide a forum to work with like-minded organisations who are also committed to promoting inclusive recruitment processes within our own companies and also within the employers that we engage with.”
Arlene Callan, Director, PeoplePlus Scotland, says, "Getting involved in the Community Wealth Support Network is an impactful way to add your weight to the goal of creating more equal access to opportunity for all people seeking work in Scotland. We need as many employers as possible to lean in - a warm welcome awaits!"
Alistair Kerr
Partnerships & Development Manager, PeoplePlus Scotland. Chair, Community Wealth Support Network.
Alistair Kerr
Partnerships & Development Manager, PeoplePlus Scotland. Chair, Community Wealth Support Network.
I am the Partnerships and Development Manager for Scotland, with a focus on supported employment partnerships. I have 20 years experience in the welfare to work environment, developing and creating opportunities for disabled or disadvantaged groups. I am an industry specialist in community wealth building and sustainable procurement duties.
I am proud to Chair the Community Wealth Support Network and play my part in the strategic group responsible for its development. This growing group has a strong focus on creating inclusive employment opportunities for disadvantaged people or groups in communities across Scotland.
Sustainable, meaningful employment is a proven enabler for the achievement of individual goals and ambitions, contributing to a vibrant and socially just Scotland.