"Doing the right thing should be aligned with business strategy - it's this focus that gives Social Recruitment Advocacy Group member organisations a competitive edge." Laura Savage, Director of Partner and Social Value Solutions, PeoplePlus.
Join the Social Recruitment Advocacy Group (SRAG) to unite with member organisations like G4S, Lidl, Ikea, Unipart, Mitie, M Group Services, Securigroup, DHL and many more to transform hiring practices for the benefit of all. Founded by PeoplePlus, the UK's largest prison education provider and social recruitment pioneer, the SRAG promotes inclusive, socially responsible recruitment practices that enhance social value impact.
To progress through the Charter Mark levels, members receive support from PeoplePlus Social Value Solutions experts, plus insight from a range of brilliant specialist intervention partners, including social value changemakers, ANTZ, and the voices of people with lived experience.
Considering economic inactivity levels and a new government committed to 80% employment, SRAG members are well-positioned to influence decision makers and shape impactful strategy.
Whether you employ a few people or thousands, the SRAG welcomes you.
Quarterly Events
Collaborate, connect and discover at SRAG live events.
The SRAG Charter
Receive your SRAG Charter Mark, whether at Bronze, Silver, Gold or Ambassador level.
The SRAG Charter
Receive your SRAG Charter Mark, whether at Bronze, Silver, Gold or Ambassador level.
The SRAG Charter is the framework members draw upon to benchmark their social recruitment and social value creating impact. Many members discover a wealth of positive initiatives across their organisation as they undertake the assessment process, revealing the passion and commitment already present in their teams - and providing a platform and benchmark for next steps.
Lunch & Learn
A minimum of 10 Lunch and Learn online sessions per year, plus Social Value drop-ins.
Lunch & Learn
A minimum of 10 Lunch and Learn online sessions per year, plus Social Value drop-ins.
Join experts and guests, strategic partners and people with lived experience - all in the service of sharing best practice, achieving social value impact and supporting each others' success with an open approach to continuous improvement.
Strategic Partners
Meet the best in their fields, many with exclusive incentives for SRAG Members.
The Covenant
Changing the way business thinks about hiring all people with barriers to employment.
Industry expertise and lived experience combine.
Industry expertise and lived experience combine.
SRAG Members collaborate and create together. Among our resources we have toolkits on understanding neurodivergence in the workplace, helping prison leavers to get and keep work, and thought leadership pieces by PeoplePlus. This work is continuous, and members inform the development and drafting process, ensuring analysis and insight are applied where they are most needed.
Over to You
There are no limits to the size of the SRAG. Add your details below and a member of the team will contact you very soon to explore what you could achieve as a SRAG Member for the benefit of individuals facing unique disadvantages, for your business, and for society. The next event is at Lidl HQ in Chessington, 15 miles from Central London, on the 27th of November - why not join us there?
We can't wait to hear from you.